Thursday 7 February 2008

May 1st is a bank holiday in France

In France, since 1947, May 1st has been called Labour Day or May Day!!!!!!! This date is often celebrated in some countries around the workd but not everywhere. First of all, this date celebrates the union of workers who requested eight hours of work a day. In France we had to wait until the 29thof april 1947 for this date to become official.

On this day, in France, people give each other an attractive small sprig of lily-of-the-valley which is a flower in the form of white bells and the symbol of spring. In France this flower is a lucky plant. This tradition started on the 1st of May 1561 when the French king Charles IX, after having recieved a sprig of lily-of-the-valley , decided to give this flower to the ladies of him court every year and the tradition was born !!!!

This bank holiday seems be good but there are some demands because a law permit people to sell "muguets" (the flower) without tax and the florist disagree with this law because it's for a bad idea for them!!!

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