Thursday 6 March 2008

Quizzzz !!!

1) Why is Brighton called "London by the sea" ?

2) Do you know when the channel tunnel have been created ?

3) Do you know if I have to retake an exam in my French school ?

4) Do I have a pet ?

5) Do I have a boyfriend ?

6) Do you know where I live in Brighton ?

7) Do you know the price of the "Booster" at Brighton Pier ?

8) Do you think it is normal that most of students in the class retourn their homeworks late ?

9) What is my favourite dish ?

10) When I was born ?


marie sophie said...

1 ) I don't know
2 ) You must ask to my parents
3 ) Yes, you must retake an exam but don't worry.
4) Yes you have a dog
5) Yes, you have
6) yes, you live in the campus
7)No, I don't know
8) .....
9) I don't know
10) You were born on the 13 of March 1988.

Arthur said...

1 'cos it's the favourite seaside destination of London people
2 1982
3 no
4 yes 1 cat
5 yes
6 in the campus over the motorway
7 8 jetons (8 £)
8 why this question?
9 froggs
10 1988

abdulrahman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
celine said...

1.famous seaside in Rngland
2.a long time ago
3.yes but don't worry
4.yes a "caniche"
5.yes Brithlem, on the opposite of ;y accomodation but maybe 12
9.pasta or pizza
10.13 march 1988

syb' said...

favourite destination of London people
i don t know
doesn't mattered

abdulrahman said...

sorry i can't ansure them

tom sawyer said...

1-dont know
2-i dont know
6-yes in sussex university
8-of course yearrrrrrrr lol
9-dont know
10-8 of march

CLACLA said...

- ??
- 1982
- no
- no
- yes
- yes
- 8 pounds!
- why?? are you angry about that??
- ??
- 1988

virginie said...

1) Brighton is like a little london in front of the sea.
2) 1994
3) unfortunately yes, I have one...
4) a dog and a turtle
5) yes I have
6) I live in the campus, at Brightelm
7) 8£ !!
8) ... no comment...
9) paella
10) 13/03/1988