Thursday 13 March 2008

Brighton trip

My trip in brighton was really good because I learnt
a lot. I discovered a way of life different from my country
and I also found that the temperament was not the same
in England than in France.
During this trip, I knew some periods of discouragement
because I missed my family, but I feel that I improved
my English skills.

I had not regrets concerning this term. It was a very good

I loved the way whose people were dressed and the fact
that everybody felt indifferent about it. It was really funny !
I enjoyed the town and I had the impression that I know
the town centre on the fingertips.
I had not take a bath on the sea because of the weather
but I was a little surprised to see stones on the place of sand !
It could be unpleasant even in Summer...
I have not tasted the famous "Fish and chips" yet but I will soon.

I went to London three times. I enjoyed this town because
she was huge and really nice. And it is not impossible that I returne
to London before to go back to France. In my view it is more beautiful
than Paris because it is less "grey".

Brighton Pier was a good place too, entertaining even if there were
not lot of attractions to do.

The only negative point I can quote is that I am fed up to
take the red bus to go to the town or to go shopping.
Besides, do the shopping to eat the week was really borring
because my friends and me often were not agree concerning
food. So almost everyday, we ate pasta, rice and smashed potatos,
among other things...

I spent good time with my friends in this town and, despite I really
want bring up to France, I am feel a little sad to leave Brighton...
And before to go back, I have again some things that I would like to do.

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