Thursday 13 March 2008

Final thoughts

I have been in england for 3 months

Nowadays I think my behavior wasn't correct in class during the first month. Then I try to change my behavior. I know my level in english when I'm alone because two years ago I was in the USA alone and I improved my english but here I'm not the same felling.
First of all may be because we have left here with my class and I knew, I could speak french, I don't know.
Then because to make a class with seven french students was very ridiculous, we are alone here , we know nobody unless our friends, it's difficult for us I think to go in a foreign country three months for the first time and also because in our class in France there is a hugh solidarity and we are together since 27 of September and also because i wasn't very happy to go in England...

It was also a great experience because I have learnt a lot of thing about |English culture , I have lived in a host family who is great I talk about them. I visited my city (Lewes) , I visited Brighton , streets , The Royal pavilion , I have learnt a lot about history of Brighton and it's very interesting but i had ever been in Brighton.
I visited also London and Oxford.
I think also I make a progress in listening because in my host family, every suppers I understand what the family said and it's not very easy to understand and also because I talk a lot with a girl and with the father(Robin).I improve my english also with our project because i wanted to have a good mark.

I think I felt so bad because in september I left house and It was the same in December.
However I'm happy because my first experience in England was horrible and now I like England.
The culture here and in France is very different but I like this way of life.
I hope if I come here again my experience will be better!

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