Thursday, 6 March 2008


about history of Brighton :

What is the name of the doctor who precribed sea-bathing in Brighton ?

Why does George IV became Prince Regent

Who bought a farm which became the Royal Pavilion?

Did George IV have a child ?

What important monument caught fire in 2003?

about me :

What is the most recent gift from my parents ?

What is my nickname?

what is the colour of my bedroom in Nice ?

What are the names of my dogs?

What is my favourite destination in England for the weekend ?


Gaelle said...

your favorite destination is Oxford!
That`s the only response I can answer!!!!

tom sawyer said...

2-because his father had a disease
3-George the fourth
4-years a girl charlotte
5-west pier
8-red white pink
9-sandy and the white thing

celine said...

2.when is was 40 years old
3.georges IV
4.just one
5.royal pavillon

marie sophie said...

I can't answer at the questions because It's too difficult but I know that you like to go to Oxford and that you love very much your boyfriend and your friends. I just know that your nickname is bilou and that you will almost certainly live with your boyfriend when you will come back to Nice.

CLACLA said...

- Dr Russel le BG
- ??
- George IV2
- no
- west pier
- A OVEN !!!!! to bake a lot of cakes!!!!
- Bilou!
- I don't know
- Sandy!
- oxford brooks university!

abdulrahman said...

sorry .....

syb' said...

Ansewers :

Dr Russell
Because his father 9the kin George III) became mad and ill
George IV
yes a daughter bus she died before him
a oven!!!!
pink and white
sandy and jabouille (I am not proud of its name, when i walk my dog I never say jabouille I say my dog ^^)