Cannabis is a real problem in all countries where it is illegal.
In UK cannabis is completely forbidden but there are a lot of consumers who are young.
This is a hugh problem because when consumer (young people) smoke cannabis they don't care about of lot of things and their parents are desperate.
when did cannabis become illegal in the Uk?
Cultivation and the use of cannabis was generally outlawed in 1928 .Before that you could use this drug for
How does the gouvernment see cannabis?
it's illegal but often unenforced
you can't have a lot of drugs but if you have a small quantity of drugs in your pocket you can it's not allow but the gouvernement said that. not sure what you mean?
confessions by drug users
I mostly just smoke marijuana, but I have tried many other drugs. There is a lot of amphetamine in my town, and I have many friends who are addicted, and I've watched them do it many times, but I've always been too scared to try it, and I never will, especially now after reading your diary. So I have you to thank."
"I am very sorry about your problems. I am 17, male, and I live in USA. I started doing drugs when I was 12. There are a lot of drugs in my town so they are very easy for me to get. I mostly just smoke marijuana, but I have tried many other drugs. I have pneumonia now for my third time, and my health really sucks. So now, I want to quit drugs, but I smoked marijuana many times a day for the last 5 years, and I grew up around my parents doing drugs, and then my sister doing drugs it for my whole life. My sister got me started doing drugs, but I still love her more then anyone. She got pregnant, and moved away, and I haven't seen her for 2 years now, but she still does drugs every day. Mostly marijuana, hash, and opium. I haven't done it for two days, but tonight I did, and then I wished I hadn't. I used to do cocaine, opium, and mushrooms to, and I've done other drugs too. But I haven't for a few months now. There is a lot of meth amphetamine in my town, and I have many friends who are addicted, and I've watched them do it many times, but I've always been too scared to try it, and I never will, especially now after reading your diary. So I have you to thank. I really hope you can succeed in staying off drugs. I think I can too. Good luck."
how do people become addicted?
I don't know it's very strange because your friends ask you if you want and you try them and after what you do you continue and you can't stop
you lose a lot of your friends maybe people in your family
this answer is too difficult.
But when you read that and you know people who are in the same situation what do you do?
do you leave your friends to take drugs again or do you try to do something?
i would like to you to answer me if you understand what i said...
i think all drugs are very dangerous but it's too difficult to find a good solution to resolve problems about drugs
In England I think young people are consumers but it's their choice and it's the same in France. when people smoke or take any kind of drugs
what's the solution?
i think their parents would like there to be policeman everywhere but do you think it's possible?
i don't think so...
Drugs have existed for a long time but now all over the world there are problems, the celebrities have a lot of problems with cocaine, cannabis and for some people these are examples of life and maybe they want to have the same way of life as them.
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